Customization Form OSHA Safety Manual Customization Form Safety Manual order number if you have it (not required) Full name of your organization or company: Full Name of the person filling out this form: Email address of the person filling out this form: Primary Phone Number: Alternate Phone Number: Fax Number: Number of employees: Number of Company Vehicles: Number of Forklifts: Number of Supervisors: What is your industry? Please select your answer Agriculture Amusement Park Attorney Automotive Repair Auto Dealership Sales & Service Carpet & Flooring Sales and Installation Catering Cemetary Chiropractic Office Church Chrome & Metal Plating Shop City Municipality Construction Daycare Dental Office Engineering Contractor Electrical Contractor Food Service Fumigation Hair & Nail Salon Health Care Hospital Housing Janitorial Laboratory Landscaping Logging Manufacturing Metal Polishing Shop Mold Remediation Nursing/Retirement Housing Office Work Painting - Automotive Painting - Residential/Commercial Petrochemical Petroleum Drilling Petroleum Production Pharmacy Photography Plumbing Plumbing - Heating - A/C Printing Property Management Retail Sales Restaurant Roofing Contractor Security School Shipping Tire Store Telecommunications Termite & Pest Control Textile Manufacturing Textile Warehousing & Distribution Upholstery Shop Trucking Towing Company Veterinarian Warehousing Winery/Vineyard X-Ray / Imaging Center Other - specify in box below Please give a brief description of what your company or business does. Does your company require a pre-employment physical or drug screen? Please select your answer Yes No If you have an eyewash, where is it located? Where will all the safety notices be posted? Hint Do you have a 1st Aid Kit? Yes No Where is the First Aid Kit located? Where will the "Material Safety Data Sheets" be kept? Hint How many employees are on the safety committee? How often does the safety committee meet? Please select your answer Daily Weekly Every Two Weeks Monthly Quarterly Other - Specify in box below How much time between routine safety checks? Please select your answer Daily Weekly Every 2 Weeks Monthly Quarterly Other - Specify in box below How much time between safety meetings with all of the employees? Please select your answer Daily Weekly Every 2 Weeks Monthly Quarterly Other - Specify in box below If Tailgate Safety Meetings or Toolbox Talks are performed, how often are they done? Please select your answer Not Performed Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly As Needed At the start of each new procedure Other - specify in box below Where will the emergency phone numbers be kept? Hint What is the name of the Responsible Safety Officer (RSO)? Hint What is the title of the person who will be conducting the safety meetings? Please select your answer Safety Director Human Resource Director Foreman Jobsite Foreman Owner President Other - specify in box below What is the physical address of your company? This address will appear on the cover of your Safety Manual. NO P.O. BOXES Are there any special considerations or concerns you have that need to be addressed in your safety manual? Please tell us how you found the's website? Please select your answer AOL Ask Jeeves Bing Dogpile Go Google Goto iWon Looksmart Lycos NBCi MSN Yahoo Friend Other - specify in box below Please enter the text that is in the image. Additional Comments: Time's up